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#### Notice: Officially Relaunched on November 1, 2024 18:00 Server Time (GMT+3) ####
Please provide the correct information.
The information you enter will be used on support issues.

I have read and agree to EULA & TOS for EldraKO.

For security purposes, your IP Address will be saved in our database.
See our Privacy Policy for more information.
Registration Documentation
Username is the Account ID you will be using for logging in to EldraKO's server, or to our website's Control Panel. Usernames are unique for every player and you will not be able to use an Username which is already being used by another player. It is important to make your Username different from your characters' nickname to keep it safe .
Password is the key code you will be using for logging in to EldraKO's server, or to our website's Control Panel. If you use easily guessable passwords, unauthorised people may enter with your account details and steal your items. In order to make a valid and strong password, please make sure it is between 10 and 12 characters long and it contains at least 1 letter (lowercase or uppercase), 1 number (0 - 9) and 1 special character ( !, @, #, $, %, ^, * ) . If you want to change your password in the future, you can do it via Control Panel. Keep in mind that your Security ID will be required for this action.
E-mail Address
E-mail Address is the most important registration information because it will be used to reset your password and to recover your Security ID. Also, we will be contacting you via mail if we see a problem in your account. For all these reasons, you may never be able to change the e-mail address of your account, so please enter the correct e-mail address . The e-mail address you enter will never be shared with 3rd parties.
Seal Serial Number
Seal Serial Number is your 8-digit number which will be used via your Control Panel to lock or unlock your inventory items. If you lock your items, no one will be able to trade, stash, sell or delete any of your items until you unlock them. It is an extra layer of security to protect your basic gear in case someone gets unauthorized access to your account. It is very important to remember your Seal Serial Number. Also, our Registration System will not allow you to get easily guessable Seal Serial Numbers.
Security ID
Security ID is your 4-digit number which will be used via Control Panel for important account changes like Password Change, Account's Game Access and Characters' Deletion. It is very important to remember your Security ID. Also, our Registration System will not allow you to get easily guessable Security IDs.
Tickbox is used for accepting our EULA & TOS. Please read our Legal Documents before making an account .
Register button
Register button has to be clicked on when you control the information you entered. Once you click on the Register button, our system will check your information and insert them to our database. Please make sure your information is correct, otherwise you may not get the same Username again .

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