Winter Season
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#### Notice: Officially Relaunched on November 1, 2024 18:00 Server Time (GMT+3) ####
How to buy Knight Cash
Step 1: Login with your game account.

Step 2: When you are logged in, click on the Control Panel.

Step 3: Once you are in the Control Panel, click on Recharge Knight Cash button.

Step 4a: Select the amount you want to purchase, and click on PayPal button.
You will be redirected to PayPal to complete the purchase.
Step 4b: Otherwise, click on epinKO button to redeem the pin purchased from

Note: You will receive your KC instantly when you purchase with PayPal or epinKO!

Server Status

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FTP Server
Users online: 12
Humans in CZ: 6
Orcs in CZ: 3
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Kings List

El Morad KingKing Symbol Dies
Karus KingKing Symbol ImCrushingYou
GM Master List

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